with Certain Measures
Steel members of the German Pavilion are digitally disassembled and reconstructed into new canopies for future use.  Discrete parts of the pavilion were modeled and simulated in Unity to flock between different design iterations while an interface showcased material being recalculated for re-use.

Through a close looking at a building’s constituent parts, the project considers the temporal nature of expos as an opportunity to rethink impermanent venues as not single-use spectacles but rather a parade of permutations that go on indefinitely.

art direction graphics geometry game engines
Dubai Expo 2021, Dubai UAE

design for GUI that summarizes pavilion data and its individual members by their unique I-D and properties.

1-the german pavilion is uploaded
2-pavilion disassembles
3-new pavilion is detected
5-positions for the members are drawn
6-a new pavilion emerges
4-relevant members needed to build the pavilion are sorted

CreditsClient: facts & fiction gmbh
Certain Measures Team: Tobias Nolte, Andrew Witt, Olivia Heung, James Yamada